Saturday, May 4, 2024

Home Alone

  -I recently Inherited $780, 000. Enough to set me up for the rest of my life. Even if things turn sour

-I now keep seeing work from stars

-they will work out the account details the money is in

-or just twist around information about my past. And get the money given to them

-and I won't be allowed a trial

-as well now I see the 1977 film Star Wars A New Hope. The only one in the series meant to be true

-the villain Darth Vader is meant to be both me and Wonder Girl / Donna Troy each trapped in a Darth Vader armor

-the book the man looking like Walt Disney bought me


-it might have these ideas based on me. But still whoever it really was buying me the book might be saying to me their Star Wars and my Inheritance plans will fail

-on the top corner of the book was a sales sticker. With on it a jagged STAR as for Star Wars. And saying $29.99 to $11.99. Like saying my savings will be ripped off

-about 2018 I was scanning comics in the middle of the night. I was thinking of Hacking lines left after an old Google Domain address. I think the lines were set up by a celebrity. I heard a rap from my window with night outside and was scared

-for the next three days my feet or legs were paranormally SPRINGY. As in SCORPION sores

-maybe a way to stop people ripping me off. With me having the springy feet. Is immobilizing them

-my Lawyer looking after my money has the surname SPRINGER. And my mother who left the money to me had a married name like 'SCORINGE'. Like someone set those up to say the money is safe. Both sound like SCORPION sores

-if I have connections to a man who helps me. He might have set up the book for the same reason

-I once saw an old photo of my grandfather as a soldier in WW2. He was swimming in the sea in Egypt. Standing with one FOOT above the waist height waterline

-I think some stars are out to steal my $780, 000 Inheritance

-my way to stop this

-not just someone if they go to access the money they are stopped by the Scorpion sores on their feet if they try to

-I think to work it

-a person trying to get the money. Each person gets the scorpion like sores for all of their lives once they try

-that works it

-two similar dreams I had as if given to me to show this

-there was a Live TV production of GREASE / CHRIST

-a woman on stage who played the main female character SANDY

-her boot came partly off. She was struggling on Live TV to get it off

-no one came to her help

-later in a small Hospital room she was told her foot would always be in great pain

-and another dream

-there was a Conglomerate owner a lot like Walt Disney. He was surnamed World. He owned a family orientated company. He often got around in is Helicopter. He had animals like a couple of chimpanzees. His company included a Cable / Internet channel. It was International. Individual countries would insert their own segments like news features

-there was a Live TV program. He had a daughter TV Hostess. She was tall, quite long straight blonde hair, beautiful. Slightly cheap looking. Like the woman in the Rick Astley video Whenever You need Somebody

-she was changing in front of the stage. Right in front of the first rows of seats. She was wearing a long blue dress with slits up the sides. On TV it fell off of her. The Australian audience jeered. Her mother looking like the mother in the film Home Alone gave a smile that looked more like it was to save face. I got the idea the company of World would continue to falter

-her dress fell off her. Again the sores won't stop being on you

-years ago I was walking down my Street to go to a Shopping Centre down a hill. At the top of the hill one of my FEET went in a dip in the grass maybe only the size of a footstep. Across the Street from there was the first Support Home I lived at then named SUNRISE Trust. As in RISEN feet. And SCORPION SORES

-several years ago I thought maybe standing under the ceiling skylight to the garage ceiling might be a Cave of Wonders. Standing under it might super charge my miracles. I wound up putting New Teen Titans 1 up there. With a page in it from a Library book Tom Sawyer. When I saw the page I saw the characters were in a Cave of Wonders. In Aladdin he gets his lamp and FLYING CARPET from the Cave of Wonders. About 1993 in the laundry room above the washing machine. Once that skylight was open. There were long rolls of CARPET up in it. I don't think my grandfather owned them or would be possible for any one to get them up there. Maybe someone saying FLYING CARPET. These people would then get the sores on their feet. Making them springy. The page of Tom SAWYER. SAWYER as in SCOR SORES

-my Lawyer looking after my money with the surname STRINGER. The fictional photo I saw of Mark Wahlberg. With fictional leg hairs. Long, black and far spaced. Like indicating STRINGS

-the Disney book Published by PARRAGON the man looking like Walt Disney bought me. As in PROVEN and SCORPION


-I stood on something today. It left a spot shaped sore. I think it was like things and my magic reflect around each other. A long time ago I saw an old photo of my grandfather when he was a soldier in WW2. He was in Egypt swimming in the sea. The water up around him with one FOOT raised above the waterline. My attempt to make Walt Disney and an ancient Egyptian monarch my parents. Maybe the Watcher saying with that photo someone will get sores. The PYRAMIDS maybe I get an exact looking body as Christian PAREDES

-the night before I took the bus ride to the next town in 2017. To Marine PARADE. And my powerful miracles began. I had a dream of a PARADE of DC Comics characters in themed groups. All wearing like PORCELAIN / SCORPION PAIN costumes. The morning just before I left I was told to scan and Post the groups from the WHO's WHO pages. I was told to repeat over and over Bop Bup Bup. That I might have heard on a radio add to do with the COROMANDEL PENINSULAR / CHRISTIAN PAREDES / APPEARANCE PERSONALITY

-in 1985 while maybe mentally ill. I had been at nights going out on walks. I went to an old, white, scary home across the Road from mine. I stood at the base of the back at the edge of a garage sized gap in the wall leading to darkness. Maybe connected to me the comics ghost super hero Spectre. Straight after I was sitting on my SUITCASE on the spare garage roof. SUIT CASE. Maybe someone tries to steal my Inheritance from me. Kept with my Lawyers. SUIT CASE. But the scorpion SORES stop them. They wind up having to be looked after their feet up. Maybe with this my story is proven and I return. A few years later the outside of that home had been redecorated. What I get for my home and my miracles around space. I thought I saw areas of light on the roof and from up the Road took a few photos of it but they showed no light on the roof

-I saw an original pair of long sweatpants in a dream. Pale grey with over them angled one inch dark grey dashes. As in a lot of tears. On the side of them in small handwriting style the name 'Supre'. As in Scorpion Sores. And Springer and Scoringe. The dashes like HAIRS. For my INHERITANCE

 -the New Zealand made comic I imagined on a Kids TV News Program about the end of the 1970s. About a Cowboy. Called ROSCO. He looked like a man I know who lives a few blocks away. Named ROSS FARR. Like CROSSING FAR. He would drive me to Care and Craft. Unable to die yet those with the SORES / ROSCO need Care. ROSCO as in SCORPION SORES. And I think I imagined the comic

-I think I might have fathered Harvey Comics Founder Alfred Harvey on the Titanic. And Walt Disney might be my father or great-grandfather. And each might have left me their company. HARVEY as in INHERITANCE. About 1980 a boy in our year named Aaron BOOTE had me over at his house. Downstairs was a room with Harvey Comics all over the floor. I spread my ones out over my bedroom floor. Aa RAN BOOT. Like saying maybe any one who tries to steal my Inheritance gets scorpion like sores on their FEET

-the night I went late to the supermarket and bought $120 of Groceries. But outside felt like almost collapsing. A SECURITY Guard named SUSIE. Drove me to the Hospital and stayed with me the 7 hours I was there. As in SCORPION SORES. I had ideas after the night might have been partly set up to mean I can go on living safely in my home if problems set in. Maybe part of setting me up to live for life in my home was me getting $780, 000 INHERITANCE / SECURITY. The Hospital was next to the block the bookstore was on the man looking like Walt Disney bought me the Disney book. He worked as an Ambulance Driver when young

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 -I lived with my grandparents for decades -apart from my grandfather mowing the lawns -I never saw either of them do any cleaning in our ho...