-I might get my Law Suit against all the corrupt people against me
-Law CASE- like I went up the stair CASE in the tallest local building. Up the centre stair case. There were glass doors going up it. But the doors half a floor off balance with the floors level
-Law / Stair Case
-my Lawyer's surname CASSEY
-about 1991 I was walking on the main Road by FORDS Cars
-a man biked past me. Tall, attractive, dark brown hair. Slight muscle but not a lot. He was wearing long sweat pants and no shirt or footwear
-he reminded me of a super hero character I came up with. 'A-Man'. Whose real name was Andrew LAWSON. As in LAW
-A-Man- like Noah in his Ark taking a PAIR of each ANIMAL. I used to think the Ark was at sea for FORTY months. So maybe all involved get FORTY years each
-he was shirtless. Like he represented the super hero split that came out of me looking like Kyle Lowder. Wearing only a white towel around his waist
-a block away back then was FORDS Car Dealers
-there was for a while working there on the Court. A man I was friends with in Havelock North until 1977 when I moved to Tauranga. He was named Francis or ALISTAR Jones. STAR like the STAIR CASE
-he a few times had me on pretended to smile as if flirting
-he had a muscular build. He reminded me of the build Christian Paredes had
-in Jones's fringe was a grey dyed curl. Like Superman's
-he was a FRAUD flirting with me. Like my dream I had I was in bed with Rob LIE feld
-the other split that comes out of me
-FORDS like too saying these people will get FORTY years in Prison each
-the staircase I went up with the glass doors to floors out of sync with each floor. Like a LAW SUIT. The glass doors up it like a SUIT
-both these men having me on. But still maybe they were somehow set up by the two splits that come out of me
-maybe saying Prison sentences of FORTY years all around
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